Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Issue No. 146: Student Strike Today!

November 17
Student Strike: In New York and across the Nation

We Teach In the Streets

Thursday, November 17, 3pm: New York-Wide Student & Education Workers Convergence @ Union Square.

After the cynical reasoning and brutal tactics used by Mayor Bloomberg, the FBI, and the NYPD to squash the Occupy Wall Street movement, come out and support this convergence.

Student supporters of Occupy Wall Street are holding actions every day this week at universities throughout New York City to draw attention to issues such as student debt, tuition hikes, university ties to Wall Street, workers' rights and structural inequalities within our schools and our communities.

Unlike the "Arab Spring," the "We are the 99 percent" movement isn't about revolution or regime change, but about contesting a system that seems less fair than imagined and less equal than ought to be. It's about the socio-economic conditions that have produced a vast and unsustainable inequality in this country and globally. People from across the divides of class, profession, race and gender feel at a visceral level this sense of inequality or unfairness. In New York City, it's not simply the existing gap in wealth and equality that needs to be addressed, it's that large swathes of the population, literally cannot see a path by which they can plausibly join the ranks of elite urban society, not to mention a lifetime of indebtedness.

Join thousands of students and workers from around the city tomorrow at 3pm as we show solidarity with OWS and our strength together as the 99%.

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